A mock object conforms to the interface of the real object, but has just enough code to fool the tested object and track its behavior. 模仿对象符合实际对象的接口,但只要有足够的代码来“欺骗”测试对象并跟踪其行为。
A mock object is a replacement for a real object that we create for the express purpose of testing. 为了达到快速测试的目的,我们创建模拟对象来代替真实的对象。
Proxies have many applications, such as wrapping legacy systems, adapting interfaces to libraries, and managing copies of the real object. 代理有很多用处,比如包装遗留系统、调整库的接口、管理实际对象的副本等。
The mock object is now ready for use in the ServiceClass class as a real object. 模拟对象现已准备好在ServiceClass类中作为实际对象使用。
In doing so the proxy can monitor requests to the real object and filter or reorganize them if needed. 这样,代理可以监控对实际对象的请求,并在过滤请求和需要请求的情况下重新组织这些请求。
Find those methods that are called from the method under test and provide an implementation that behaves like the real object would. 找到那些以测试里的方法命名的方法,并提供一个行为像真实对象那样的实现。
In this pattern, an object ( the proxy) handles all access to another object ( which, for lack of a better name, I'll call the real object). 这种模式中,一个对象(代理)处理对另一个对象(因为没有更好的名称,暂时称之为实际对象)的访问。
Miss Bingley succeeded no less in the real object of her civility; Mr. Darcy looked up. He was as much awake to the novelty of attention in that quarter as Elizabeth herself could be, and unconsciously closed his book. 于是彬格莱小姐献殷勤的真正目的达到了&达西先生果然抬起头来,原来达西也和伊丽莎白一样,看出了她在耍花招引人注目,便不知不觉地放下了书本。
The core product of a firm is in two forms of real object and concept, and its commercial pattern is the coupling of the two. 企业的核心产品表现为实物和概念两种形态,其商业形态是概念形态与实物形态的耦合。
From miniature tin soldiers, to houses, crafting down-sized versions of the real object seemed like endless fun to me. 我最喜欢的是小锡兵、小房子,反正把什么东西缩小十倍我就喜欢。
Educational Function of College Archives Using Real Object Archives to Arouse School Loving and Honoring 高校档案馆如何利用实物档案发挥爱校荣校的教育功能
Traditional ethnography, which is based on the hypothesis that cognitive object accords with real object, claims authentication as its mark. 以真实为标识的传统民族志建立在认识对象符合现实对象的预设之上。
But it soon became evident that the real object of his visit was to inquire about Bernard. 但真正目的很快就清楚了:他想打听伯纳德的情况。
When we click, the tag becomes a real object in our drawing. 当您点一下滑鼠左键,这个标签就会标示在线路旁边。
Occlusion identification research between virtual and real object in augment reality 面向增强现实装配的虚实遮挡技术研究增强现实环境下虚实物体遮挡判断方法研究
Experiments on synthetic datum and real object show that the algorithm is correct and robust to noise and occlusion. 综合数据仿真与真实对象测量验证了本文算法的正确性以及在噪声和遮挡情形下的鲁棒性。
Saussure's elaboration on language as a social fact helps to define the real object of linguistics and identify the nature of linguistic sign, thus orienting linguistics towards a new horizon. 索绪尔的论述有助于限定语言学研究的真正对象、认清语言符号的本质,从而将语言学研究引向一个全新的领域。
After the discovery of the laws of the movements of the object, a series of "amendments" and supplementations are made to make the further findings applicable to the real object. 在研究揭示了理想客体的运动规律之后,再通过一系列“修正”和补充,使进一步的研究结果能够适用于现实客体。
Once the real object is loaded, it is used for every future method call to the proxy instance. 一旦实际对象被装载,它将被每一个调用代理对象的方法使用。
In modern company law, the real object contribution is a kind of contributions including cash contribution, intelligent property right contribution. 在现代公司法中,实物出资是一种与货币出资、知识产权出资并列的独立的出资形态。
Take my example of a factory dynamically substituting a proxy object for a real object. 举一个这样的例子,一个工厂动态为一个实际对象替换代理对象。
According to the regulations of amendment V to criminal law of the people's Republic of China for credit card crime, the real object offended by credit card crime is thought to be the public financial credit. 摘要针对刑法修正案关于信用卡犯罪的规定,分析认为信用卡犯罪威胁的真正客体是金融公共信用。
Remote sensing has being applied broadly to forest dynamic monitoring, real object classification statistical method offers the feasibility for forest cover dynamic monitoring. 遥感已广泛应用于森林动态监测,遥感影像实物分类统计法为森林覆盖动态监测提供了可能。
It will be used where you would normally use a real object. 当你使用真实对象时,实际使用的就是该mock对象。
The adapter implements the interface and passes the method calls unto the real object. 适配器实现接口,并将方法调用传递给真实的对象。
Solid volumetric true3D display projects a sequence of slices of a real object on a sequence of LC shutters locating at different depth, according to different depth information of the object. 固态体积式真三维立体显示是将三维目标体信息通过高速投影光学引擎依据显示信息表面各点深度不同分别投影到对应深度的显示体上。
However, the real object that he evaded was not Changping, but himself. 可是,他逃避的真实对象不是昌平,而是他自己。
The first part of the article inquiries into theories foundation of the system of the real object contribution. 文章第一部分探讨了实物出资制度的理论基础。
On one hand, the real object contribution can make use of market resources; 一方面,利用实物出资可以使稀缺的市场资源得到有效地利用和整合;
Traditional analysis approaches for information systems, basically from a microcosmic perspective, cannot effectively describe real object systems. 传统的信息系统分析方法,基本都是从微观的角度出发,不能在整体上有效的描述现实对象系统。